And the culture of denial and pretense of various issues attached to it ignores somewhat very important questions in favour of 'empty slogans' and isolationism.
I hope that certain influential people can debate these topics honestly so that realistic solutions can be developed.
Inshallah we could break this culture, establish the problems and begin to solve them!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The `Movement` Mentality
Posted by
1:15 PM
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Betul ke Micheal dah tukar namer jadi Mikaeel?
The title speaks for itself
Posted by
7:07 PM
Saturday, November 22, 2008
cinta Vs CINTA
cinta Kecil itu, adalah kekeliruan perasaan yang terbit dari keinginan untuk diberi perhatian, mahu dikasihi dan mengasihi, emosi yang kosong dari asas,matlamat, dan kesedaran terhadap implikasi cinta jenis ini.
Tidak keterlaluan jika saya katakan, cinta seorang anak kecil kepada kura-kura peliharaannya lebih mulia daripada cinta keliru ini,
kerana sekurangnya si anak kecil itu akan memberi makan, berbual dan membersihkan akuarium kura-kuranya, sedangkan cinta keliru antara dua anak muda ini tanpa mereka sedar hanyalah sekadar untuk melayan gangguan emosi yang sunyi barangkali .....juga tanpa sedar kedua-duanya sedang merancang untuk saling merosakkan antara satu sama lain.
CINTA sebenar itu harus terbit dari emosi dan naluri fitrah manusia.. Namun ia lahir juga dengan sandaran rasional dan sedar diri terhadap asas cinta itu, tanggung jawab yang mengiringi cinta tersebut serta kesan yang bakal lahir dari mematerialisasikan perasaan cinta seperti ini. Cinta yang ada ' Sense of begin with the end in mind!'
(Petikan dari buku Aku Terima Nikahnya yang ditulis, mukasurat 32- 33)
Posted by
8:52 PM
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Kena Saman!
The time has come again for me where i receive a lot of nikah summons. Good things always come in small sizes, or sometimes medium. Summons can be electronically sent to u via hp, email or some summons can be in the form of snail mail. U r required to be part of a jury to witness two hearts tied together by the able hands of the judge/father of the bride and have a small or grand feast depending on where the hearing is. Some hearings can be done under the void deck , community centres etc etc. Ah well, best jugak kasi saman saman ni.
Posted by
4:11 AM
Friday, November 7, 2008
Lesser Of Two Evils
Uncle Sam may have picked the lesser of two evils to lead the country but evil is still evil. Still can`t believe that he chose Rahm Emanuel as his Chief Of Staff which makes him the third Jew to take up that post. Nonetheless, its quite strange yet interesting to see a black dude dressed as a white dude playing the role usually white dudes will get.
Posted by
3:35 PM