Alhamdulillah an hour ago i`ve managed to complete the quran during the blessed month of ramadhan.A task that i`ve never accomplished before in my 23 ++ years of existence. The most closest i`ve been to finishing was back during the army daze in the wilderness of Rockhampton,Australia( Exercize Wallaby 05).Mind you, tht in itself was a garguantan task as i remember reading under the dim lights of the LED and picnic laterns during trips to resupply my battalion during missions. Those late nights after lights off where everyone would be asleep in their tents(Those 30 odd men Tentages that has mosquito nets all over and sulphur all around to prevent possums/scorpions/ and whatever not from coming in) and i would sneak out in my kain pelekat or sometimes trackpants if its too cold(freezing sometimes) and read beside the showering rooms.
Ah well thts that, whts important now is to savour the moment. One thing i`ve learnt though is to have absolute discipline and be meticulous in planning your way to read, and reflect on the verses. Got this file from an American Brother whom for the past three years during Ramadhan hosted his own online quran reading competition for muslim netizens around the globe.
Taqaballowlohu Mina Wa Minkum Minal A'idin Wal Faidzin Wal Maqbuleen. Kulu Amin Wa Antum bi Khair
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
In the Nick Of time
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11:12 AM
Monday, September 22, 2008
Worst Taraweeh Experience Ever!!!
Indeed if there`s such a thing as a Singapore Muslim Book Of Records, i would dare say that the most chop chop taraweeh/witr at the mosque most likely that u would like to go quickly if you want to have a good and fast bargain at the nearby geyalng SINrai bazaar is masjid wak tanjong. I`m really appalled at the process that the imam undertook in delvering the surahs(Juz Amma btw) during each rakaat as if he is at gunpoint. Tumakninah ke maner, tajwid ke maner , semua ke maner! Not to mention at every interval, there`s two or so pakciks that would yell their lungs out in proclaiming the so called interval `zikr` like as though they are in Kallang Stadium which is packed full of people. Terkejut boy boy ! Look i`m not supposed to be writing all this as ramadhan is close to leaving us (sobz). Its already the 23rd night and the writer now is at the other end of singapore`s eastern mosque in his own personal quest for ultimate solace. 9 more juz` to go insyallah!!
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6:38 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
New Imam forTaraweeh prayers at the Masjid-Al-Haram for Ramadan 1429H
Any Muslim who has been fervently watching the taraweeh prayers in Masjidil Haram via youtube, and to a lesser extent around the region here, RTM malaysia( well i tak pasti if whether they are still beaming it lolz) might have noticed that there is a new Imam. Well courtesy of below is the biography.
سيرته الذاتية
عادل بن سالم بن سعيد الكلباني ، من مواليد مدينة الرياض الحبيبة ، عام 1378 للهجرة . يوم الجمعة الخامس والعشرين من رمضان .
متزوج ، ولي من الذرية خمسة أبناء ، وسبع بنات .
مشايخي :
قرأت أول ما قرأت على فضيلة الشيخ حسن بن غانم الغانم . وكان إذ ذاك مسئولا عن الكتب في الرئاسة العامة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء والدعوة والإرشاد .
قرأت عليه الأصول الثلاثة ، وكشف الشبهات ، وشيئا من صحيح البخاري ، وشيئا من سنن الترمذي ، وشيئا من تفسير ابن كثير .
وقرأت على شيخنا الدكتور مصطفى مسلم ، الأستاذ في جامعة الإمام ، كلية أصول الدين ، في تفسير البيضاوي ، حاشية زادة . وقرأت عليه الفرائض ، ثم انتقل ، إلى الشارقة ، وبقي أن يجيزنا فيها .
قرأت على شيخنا الشيخ عبدالله بن عبدالرحمن الجبرين ، آخر التدمرية ، والوصيتين الصغرى والكبرى لشيخ الإسلام ، وكتاب التوحيد من صحيح البخاري ، جزءا كبيرا من كتاب الإيمان في صحيح مسلم .
قرأت القرآن على شيخنا الشيخ أحمد مصطفى ، وأجازني برواية حفص عن عاصم من طريق الشاطبية . وأجازني شيخنا الشيخ محمد نبهان بن حسين مصري بقراءة عاصم براوييه من الشاطبية . وكذلك أجازني شيخنا الشيخ محمد أبو رواش بحفص من طريق الفيل - الطيبة – بقصر المنفصل .
كما أجازني الشيخ محمد عبدالحميد برواية قالون عن نافع من الشاطبية .
وقرأت البقرة على شيختنا الشيخة أم السعد بقراءة أبي عمر البصري ، براوييه الدوري والسوسي .
وأجازني الشيخ إسماعيل الأنصاري بحديث مشهور عند أهل الحديث بالمسلسل بالأولية ، وهو حديث الراحمون يرحمهم الرحمن ، ارحموا من في الأرض يرحمكم من في السماء ، وهو من السلسلة فقد كان أول حديث سمعته منه . رحمه الله .
وأجازني بعض العلماء بكتبهم ، للنظر فيها انظر الإجازات .
وأداء للأمانة وسعيا للخلود في سجل أهل القرآن ، نشرت ما تعلمته ، رجاء الدخول في الحديث ، وهذا بيان بأسماء من قرأ علي القرآن فأجزته ،
جعل الله ذلك في ميزان أعمالنا ، وأدخلنا في قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه . وفي رواية : إن أفضلكم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه .
1. فضيلة الشيخ / خلف بن متعب الرقاص . مدرس . وإمام وخطيب جامع أرطاوي الرقاص .
2. أمين بن عبدالحميد أبو دعمة . { عاصم } . مدرس في حلقة التحفيظ في جامع الملك خالد .
3. المهندس . جمال بن محمد العبدالله . { عاصم } .
4. وائل بن حسين صنبع . {عاصم } . مدرس .
5. أمين بن سليمان . مدرس حلقة تحفيظ .
6. فضيلة الشيخ / عبدالله الشبانات . القاضي بجدة .
7. محمد بن حسين صنبع . طالب بجامعة الملك سعود .
8. وليد الغامدي . صيدلي .
9. الرائد / حامد المطيري . { عاصم } . بوزارة الداخلية .
10. يحيى دائلي . { عاصم } . مدرس .
11. أحمد عاصم . { عاصم } وحفص من الطيبة .
12. عبدالعزيز الريس { عاصم } . مدرس وإمام في القصيم .
13. عبدالرحمن السعود . موظف في هيئة الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر .
14. د. عصمت . أستاذ الفيزياء في جامعة الملك سعود .
15. ناصح البقمي . عاصم . موظف في وزارة الخارجية .
16. د. عمرو جمال . طبيب .
Quite Ok English Translation.
Shaykh Adil Al Kabani
Adil ibn saalim ibn saeed al kalbani was born in Riyadh in 1378 AH on the 25th of Ramadan on a Friday. He is married and has 5 sons and two daughters.
His teachers
His first teacher was shaykh hasan ibn gaanim algaanim, *and this was while he (the shaykh) was the one responsible for the department of knowledge propogation, fataawa, proselytising and guidance.* He studied from him “the three principles”, “the removal of doubt”, and some of sahih Bukhari, sahih at Tirmidhi and tafsir ibn kathir.
He also studied with shaykh Dr Mustafa Muslim. The teacher at Imam university, in the college of principles of the religion, in the tafsir baydawee. *haashee zaadah*. He studied with him the faraidh (compulsory things). And then departed to sharakah.
He studied with shaykh abul rahman ibn jibrin. *akhir tadmariyah*, he studied the two middle things small and big with the shaykh, as well as the book of monotheism form sahih Bukhari as well as a large portion of the book of belief from sahih muslim.
He studied quran with shaykh ahmad Mustafa, and he got an ijazah of hafs form aasim from shaatabis line. Shaykh Muhammed ibn nahban Egyptian also gave him an ijazah to recite aasim from the shaatabi line. Shaykh Muhammed abu rawash also gave him an ijazah of hafs from the line of fil. And this is a *good chain with the lack of munfasil*
Also he got an ijazah from shaykh Muhammed abdul hameed to recite kaaloon from nafi from the line of shaatabi.and he studied “al baqarah” from shaykha umm saad with the recitation of abi umar al basree by the transmission of dawree and sawsee.
And shaykh ismail ansaari also gave him an ijaazaah in a very famous hadith with a *strong/high* chain of narration, and it is the hadith that the ones who are merciful, the merciful (allah) will be merciful on them, and have mercy to the people of the earth, and the one who is in the heavens will have mercy on you. And this was the first hadith he heard from him. May allahs mercy be upon him.
And the duaa is for safety and peace, and to strive *to become?* of the people of Quran. * he has have conveyed what he has learnt* and he wished to *mention a hadith that discusses the names and reward of the one who reads quran.
And we hope Allah will place this on the scale of our deeds, and enter us into the hadith “the best of you is the one who learns quran and then teaches it” and in some narrations, “the highest of rank among you is the one who learns quran and teaches it.”
There follows a long list of ijazahs gained by the shaykh
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3:23 AM